Codes of Conduct, as per BC Soccer

Player Code of Conduct

I will play soccer because I want to, not because others want me to.

· I will play by the rules of soccer, and in the spirit of the game.

· I will show respect at all times for all team personnel, match officials, teammates, opposing team personnel, opposing players, parents, spectators, and club officials.

· I will act in a sportsmanlike manner and not engage in violent behaviour, foul language, or offensive gestures.

· I will be a team player.

· I know that winning isn’t everything – having fun, playing fair, improving my skills, making friends and doing my best are all important.

· I will never ridicule a participant for a poor performance or training session.

· I will acknowledge all good play – that of my teammates and of my opponents.

· I understand that coaches are there to coach and not to improve my behaviour. If I am found to be behaving badly, my coach is permitted to remove me from the event. Furthermore, the responsibility of my behaviour outside of the team sanctioned events is not that of team staff but is the responsibility myself, and of my family or guardian.

· I will not take part in any form of bullying, either to an opposing player or to a player on my team according to BC Soccer and the Club’s Harassment, Abuse and Bullying Policy. Bullying in any form, whether in person, electronically (any form of social media) will not be tolerated.

·SOCIAL NETWORKING is defined as communication through on-line communities of people such as, but not limited to, Facebook, Twitter, You Tube, blogging, etc.

· WKFC understands the importance of SOCIAL NETWORKING, however, it also allows for inappropriate unsupervised conduct which may be detrimental to the welfare of the West Kootenay Football Club and the future of WKFC players.

· WKFC holds the entire WKFC community, including Board of Directors, Team Officials, Staff, Trainers, Players and Parents who participate in SOCIAL NETWORKING to the same standards as it would with all forms of media, including television, radio and print.

·Inappropriate behavior over SOCIAL NETWORKING media will not be tolerated and may result in disciplinary action being taken by WKFC. Disciplinary actions may include, but are not limited to, suspension, multi- game suspension or for severe infractions season(s) suspensions or release from WKFC.

·Inappropriate use of social networking includes, but is not limited to: Statements that are demeaning to WKFC, team personnel, its programs, its teams, players, members, staff, parents, sponsors or any other person associated with WKFC, communication of confidential information that may include medical history, family situations, game plans or strategies and other information that is deemed confidential, sharing photos, videos or comments that promote negative influences or criminal behavior, including but not limited to physical violence, drug/alcohol use, or taken in areas prohibited by policy, posting of inappropriate, derogatory, racist or sexist comments of any kind that contradict the polices of WKFC.


· I recognize that training sessions are more important than games and games are equally important.

· If I cannot make a training session, I will do my best to notify the Team Coach at least 48 hours in advance so that the session can be organized appropriately.

· If I cannot make a game, I will notify either the Team Coach or Manager (which is the standard set at the pre-program meeting) at least 7 days in advance so that arrangements for substitutions can be made.

· I will turn off all electronic devices (cell phones, video games, etc.) before arrival at my training session, game or team event and leave them off until I am finished.


· I realize that playing time is not always going to be equal despite my coaches attempt to equalize. At the development and grassroots levels, playing time shall be equitable.

· I will leave all venues as neat and tidy as I found them and will remove all refuse from my area.

· I realize that it is my responsibility to find transportation to a training session or game if my parents or guardian is unable to take me.

· I will report any medical problems in a timely fashion, when such problems may limit my ability to travel, train, or compete.

· I will participate and appear on time, well-nourished, and prepared to participate to my best abilities in all competitions, training sessions, trials, tournaments and events.


· I will take good care of my game kits and wear them only on game days.

· I realize that it is my responsibility to bring the designated complete alternate game kit to each game.

· I will ensure my jersey is tucked in at all times as required by the laws of the game.

· I will wear shin pads, socks, appropriate footwear, and bring my own water bottle to all games and training sessions.

· At training sessions I will wear approved training kit.

· I understand that rolling up my shorts to reduce their size, or exposing my bare shoulders is inappropriate soccer attire.

· I will abide by the FIFA rules and remove all jewellery for training sessions and game.

· I will not make any alterations to my game kits or approved training kits (jersey, shorts or socks).

· I will adhere to Canada Soccer’s requirements regarding clothing and equipment.


· I recognize that the Team Coach will handle infractions that occur at times other than during the game. ·I recognize that infractions that occur during the game are governed by the Laws of the Game and will be decided by the Match Official. The result may be a caution (yellow card) or dismissal (red card), in which case there may be further action, including suspensions or fines, by the league.

· I recognize that certain serious infractions will result in a discipline hearing convened by BC Soccer or their delegate, and could lead to a suspension from soccer, and a fine being levied by BC Soccer. Payment of the fine is my responsibility.

· I am responsible for reimbursing WKFC for any and all fines payable by the Club due to my actions or inactions. Failure to pay any fines will result in my suspension from the Club for an indefinite period of time.

· I acknowledge and support WKFC’s policies against sexism, racism and other forms of hate speech. I understand that our club is a safe space for any and all who wish to participate and will behave accordingly.


If for any reason the Code of Conduct is not followed by the player, any (one or more) of the following steps may be taken by the Team Coach or the Club:

·Communication with the club regarding behaviours against the club’s Zero Tolerance Policy and Code of Conduct violation

·Disruption in playing time of the player; and/or

·Suspend the player for some time period.

·Remove the player from the team. I have read the above information carefully. We feel we can gladly commit to the above and look forward to the upcoming season.

Player:______________________________________________________ Date:____________________________________ Parent:_____________________________________________________ Date:_

Parent Code of Conduct

As a parent of a participating player, it is vital you model the kind of safe, inclusive behaviour we wish our players to exhibit. As such, any form of discrimination - be it about race, age, gender identity, orientation or creed - will not be tolerated.

As a parent of a player participating in our programs, you also agree to abide by the following:

1) This is a team sport. It is important for as many players on a team as possible to attend matches and practices consistently, as low attendance affects both the ability of a team to develop their skills and bond with each other, but also can create a negative experience on Match Day. This is especially true when your player's team is playing an away game.

By signing this form you are committing to ensuring your player, within reason, consistently attends practices and games.


2) As a Club we operate Recreational Programs. We are not and never will be an Academy-Level Competitive Program. Matches and Tournaments are played at the Recreational Level and all players, Coaches, Team Managers, Referees and Parents are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that positively reinforces player's development, enjoyment and sportsmanship both at games and at practice.

Friendly Rivalry is encouraged. Nothing more. By signing this form you are committing to ensuring yourself and your player abide by these boundaries.


3) I agree to ensure my player's fees are paid for promptly (By first practice, or show evidence of Jumpstart application) by whatever means works best for my financial situation. I also acknowledge that if I do not have a zero balance by the end of the season, my player will not be allowed to participate in future programs until this debt has been settled.

Coach Code of Conduct

Coaches must respect the rights, dignity and worth of each and every person and treat each equally within the context of the sport.

· Coaches must place the well being and safety of each player above all other considerations, including the development of performance.

· Coaches must adhere to all guidelines laid down within the Constitution and the Rules of BC Soccer.

· Coaches must develop an appropriate working relationship with each player based on mutual trust and respect.

· Coaches must NOT exert undue influence to obtain personal benefit or reward.

· Coaches must encourage and guide players to accept responsibility for their own behavior and performance.

· Coaches must ensure at the activities they direct or advocate is appropriate for the age, maturity, experience and ability of players.

· Coaches should, at the outset, clarify with the player (and, where appropriate, their parents) exactly what is expected of them and also what they are entitled to expect from their coach.

· Coaches must co-operate fully with other specialists (e.g. other coaches, officials, sports scientists, doctors, physiotherapists) in the best interests of the player.

· Coaches must always promote the appropriate Code of Conduct and positive aspects of the sport (e.g. fair play) to players, parents and spectators alike. Never condone violations of the Laws of the Game, behavior contrary to the spirit of the Laws of the Game or relevant rules and regulations or the use of prohibited substances or techniques.

· Coaches must consistently display high standards of behavior and experience and be a role model for players, parents, and spectators

· Coaches must not attend soccer events impaired (drugs or alcohol) and must refrain from becoming impaired at soccer events where underaged participants are in attendance. *Events can include but are not limited to: practices, training sessions, games, team building events, tournaments, team parties/celebrations etc


Failure to comply with the Code for Coaches may result in your suspension and/or removed from the WKFC soccer program.